Welcome to the New Year and this fresh post on my blog. 2024 has been a strange old year for me in terms of changing my relationship status, losing some close family members on both sides of my family, struggles with my own and parents personal health and ending my 18yrs of employment at a great company filled with fantastic people. At present Ive decided to take some time off at the start of 2025 to recharge the batteries, and reflect and decide what I want to do next, and what will be my next career move, but I’m very excited again at the singular word called “possibility”.
I apologise to all my friends and colleagues who may have had to endure a very stressed version of me over the past 12 months, and to those that Ive not had chance to connect and meet up with as often as Id have liked to. Like everyone, I suppose, I’ve set myself quite a number of New Year resolutions that involve improving not only my own mental and physical wellbeing, but also communicating a lot more with friends and colleagues that Ive lost track of.
Lets makes 2025 a year to start making positive changes and good times together…